Сам Майкъл става спортен директор на МакЛарън

13/09/2011 14:05, Огнян Тенчев (drJeckyll), 852/1376 прочита, 6 коментара


Сам Майкъл ще работи за МакЛарън като спортен директор от 2012 година. Майкъл и до момента е технически директор в Уилямс, като състезанието в Сингапур ще бъде последното му с екипа.

Сам Майкъл:
I’m extremely excited to be joining Vodafone McLaren Mercedes. Being a racer my whole life, I know that McLaren is one of the all-time greats of Formula 1.
I already know and respect many of the team’s senior technical management figures, and becoming a member of that excellent working unit was one of the prime attractions of this new position.
Equally, for some time I’ve closely observed and greatly admired both Lewis and Jenson as grade-one drivers, and therefore regard it as an enormous privilege to be able to work with both of them.
I’ve spent 11 seasons with WilliamsF1, have many fond memories, and truly wish them all the best. In the near future, however, I will become 100 per cent focused on Vodafone McLaren Mercedes, and will be aiming to ensure that the team’s famous rocket-red victory T-shirts will be seen many times over the coming years.

Мартин Уитмарш:
Speaking on behalf of everyone at Vodafone McLaren Mercedes, I’m very pleased to welcome Sam as an important senior addition to our race team.
He’ll bring a very valuable blend of experience and expertise to our pitwall, and will also enrich the technical management we provide for our drivers.
I’m certain he’ll work extremely well with our senior technical management team, which I firmly believe will now become the strongest in all of Formula 1.

Франк Уилямс:
I am delighted that Sam has found a new role that will enable him to continue to apply his energy, passion and experience to Formula One. On behalf of everyone at Williams I wish him a successful move to his new team.
I would also like to thank Sam for his help in enabling a swift and smooth transition to our new technical leadership. Mike Coughlan and Jason Somerville are settling in very well and the restructuring will be complete when Mark Gillan joins us as Chief Operations Engineer on 19 September.

Още от сезон 2011:


Спор | Отговор
Страхотна новина!Рон Денис и Мартин Уитмарш се вслушаха в молитвите ми!
Рейтинг: [1|1|0.27] 1 / 1

Публикуван на: 13/09/2011 15:10

Спор | Отговор
добра новина
Рейтинг: [1|1|0.27] 1 / 1

Публикуван на: 13/09/2011 15:16

Спор | Отговор
Уилямс са пълна трагедия последните години. Дано Сам не пренесе това и в макларън!
Рейтинг: [0|0|0.00] 0 / 0

Публикуван на: 13/09/2011 15:37

Спор | Отговор
А се говореше, че Ферари го искат...
Рейтинг: [1|1|0.27] 1 / 1

Публикуван на: 13/09/2011 15:57

Спор | Отговор
Интересно, много интересно
Рейтинг: [0|0|0.00] 0 / 0

Публикуван на: 21/09/2011 20:40

М-да-а-а падока, е едно не толкова голямо и затворено семейство!
Рейтинг: [0|0|0.00] 0 / 0

Публикуван на: 21/09/2011 20:49


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