Екипът на Форс Индия вече ще се казва Сахара Форс Индия след като
Sahara India Pariwar стана съсобственик на отбора. Групата ще инвестира 100 милиона долара и ще притежава 42.5% от екипа. Толкова ще притежава и Виджай Маля. Останалите 15% ще бъдат собственост на фамилията Мол.
Субрата Рой Сахара:
India is reaching new heights in all spheres, including sports. Formula One car racing has always remained a bastion of the western world. The advent of India in this exciting sport has remained a matter of pride for all our countrymen. I feel doubly proud that Sahara is the co-owner of India’s only F1 team and I am sure that through the Sahara Force India F1 Team, we will together bring pride and laurels to our beloved nation.
Виджай Маля:
I am delighted to welcome Saharasri Subrata Roy Sahara as Chairman of Sahara Force India. It has indeed been a matter of pride for me to put India on the F1 map with Force India and raise the performance of the team to its current levels. The Sahara Group has played a very important role in the development of sport in the country and is an ideal partner to take the Force India F1 Team to greater success in the Formula One World Championship
Логото на отбора:
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