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страница за Заубер C33, където може да се види изображение на новия Заубер за 2014 година.
По-рано днес видяхме и болида на Заубер за 2014 година, който се нарича съвсем последователно - C33. Заубер бяха обявили представянето си за 17:00, но работните или по-скоро любопитните пчелички успяха да изровят страницата, която Заубер на която по-късно Заубер щяха да натиснат "публиувай" и така ние научихме малко по-рано от предвиденото как ще изглежда болида им. Още по-любопитните хора можеха да си поиграят с URL-а и да открият и втора снимка, със страничния изглед на болида. Очаквахме обаче, когато Заубер официално обявят съществуването на новото си творение да получим още снимки, както миналата година, но уви ... трябваше да се задоволим само с двете снимки, но все пак в по-висока резолюция.
И така, какво успяхме да научим. За съжаление не много. Изглежда, че отборите съвсем умишлено избягват да ни показват подобни изгледи на болидите си и по-специално на носовете им. Това се отнася в много голяма степен за отборите в средата на колоната. Разбира се ще научим всичко след два дни, когато започват тестовете на пистата Херес, но поне за момента отборите са доста "срамежливи". Съвсем възможно е обаче това да се дължи не само на факта, че не искат да показват картите си толкова рано, а и заради спонсорите си.

Да се върнем обаче на болида. Носа на Заубер C33, като философия не се различава много от носовете на Уилямс и МакЛарън. Имаме стърчащо "нещо" в средата му, но Заубер са избрали да изтеглят горната част на пилоните назад. Според Заубер пилоните са изтеглени възможно най-далеч един от друг, като по този начин се цели оформянето на два канала през, които въздуха да достига до сплитера и предната част на пода. Самите пилони са събрани в задната си част, за да се получи ефект на Вентури. Имаме разбира се и плоскости под носа.

Интересен факт, е че вертикалната плоскост на предното крило е много подобна на тази на Ферари F14 T, което видяхме вчера. Не може да се каже за момента с какво крило е болида на Заубер, защото имаме само странични изгледи.

Страничните плоскости до радиаторите повтарят решението на отбора от миналата година. Присъстват и "веждите" над кутиите за радиаторите. Нищо невиждано поне на този етап в тази област на болида. Между другото Заубер обявиха, че за първия тест ще имат опростена кола, като ще добавят елементи за да подобрят скоростта и за теста в Бахрейн.
Това, която прави впечатление обаче е сравнително малките кутии за охлаждане на радиаторите. Според отбора те са съвсем малко по-големи от миналогодишните. Заубер са с двигател на Ферари и още вчера малките кутии на F14 T направиха впечатление на всички. Явно агрегата на Ферари ще се нуждае от по-малко охлаждане в сравнение с конкурентите си от Мерцедес. Това разбира означава, че отборите с двигатели на Ферари ще могат да разчитат на по-добра аеродинамика, но пък може и да значи, че ще разполагат и с по-малко мощност. За момента обаче всичко това са само спекулации.

Основният въздухозаборник също е доста малък и много подобна форма на този на Ферари. Заубер са преработили изцяло пространството под въздухозаборника за да подобрят движението на въздуха в тази част, който съответно ще достигне до задното крило. На капака на двигателя присъства и малка "качулка", която не се забелязваше на Ферарито.

На пода през задната гума присъстват нарезите и качулките, но освен тях има и две малки вертикални плоскости, които вече сме виждали, но върху болида на Ред Бул миналата година.

Решението на Заубер за задното крило повтаря това на Ферари. Два пилона, раздалечени в областта, където се намира ауспуха, но ясно се вижда, как точно там има разположена термална защита. Би било доста неприятно ако заради топлината някой от пилоните се повреди.
Не виждаме поне за сега на задното крило вертикалните нарези в предната му част, които Заубер ползваха миналата година. Това разбира се може да се промени на по-късен етап.
Нежеланието на Заубер да ни покажат повече снимки разбира се ни кара да бъдем любопитни какво точно крият, но ще почакаме още някой и друг ден :)
Adrian: I'm ready to roll - Sauber F1 Team

Esteban: It's going to be an adventure - Sauber F1 Team

Monisha: The roll-out is always exciting - Sauber F1 Team

Адриан Сутил:
Formula One season is approaching. Is the adrenaline pumping yet?
Yes, let’s say it’s getting there slowly. We are now at the end of January and we are close to the first test, I’m very excited to see how it will be, because no one really knows what the car is going to be like to drive on a circuit. There is a new era now with new engines and new cars. So I’m really exited and looking forward to stepping into a real new race car with a new team.
How did the winter preparations go, and did you spend a lot of time in the factory getting to know everyone?
I’ve spent a lot of time here in the factory - as much as possible. And it was good to start quite early and to be announced mid December. That’s early enough to prepare and there are a lot of things to go through, especially with a new team and new people; I have to remember all the new faces. And there still is a lot of work to do. The preparation is going well, the seat fitting was fine, I feel comfortable and am ready to roll out for the first test.
What are your expectations for the 2014 Season?
I always try to improve. My best season was 2011, I finished ninth in the championship, so my realistic target would be to be better then ninth. But it’s very early and it’s always hard to make any predictions for the season. So let’s see what will happen. We have a lot of work to do and I’m confident. We want to maximise our package as a team and that’s the most important thing.
You have your own number now that will stick to you for the rest of your Formula One career, why did you choose the number 99?
99, yes. Everyone is probably aiming for the low numbers, I went for the highest number. I am aiming at the maximum.
Tests involve a lot of hard work, especially this year with significant regulation changes. How do you prepare yourself?
Especially on the technical side there are a lot of things to learn. That’s why the time in the factory now is quite important. There are so many new things regarding the engine and the fuel management, which I think is one of the most difficult things for the new season. And it’s good to get to know as much as possible. We also haven’t used brake-by-wire before. But there is also a lot of (fitness) training going on, as usual. However, I am more focussed on loosing weight. I’m a tall driver and I was always on the limit with the weight, but now I have to drop the last few kilos, so I’m on it already and this time haven’t eaten too much over Christmas and New Year.
How long does it actually take to adjust to a car, which is fundamentally different than in previous years?
It’s always difficult to step into a new car at the beginning. Of course you need time to adapt yourself. But this year it’s a completely new car for everyone. So there is no advantage for some drivers or disadvantage for the others. Therefore I think to also change team right now is probably not a bad thing to do, because you don’t have the disadvantage to the other drivers, as everyone is in the same boat right now. No one knows how it is going to be, so I’m on the same level as the others.
How well do you know your team-mate?
I don’t know him too well, but I have known him for quite a while before he was in Formula One, in GP3 and GP2. We have a friend in common, so I know a little bit about him and for sure we will know each other better in the future. He is a good guy, well educated from what I’ve heard, so I’m looking forward to working with him.
What will be the greatest sporting challenge of the upcoming season?
The highest sporting challenge would be to maximise what you have in the car, especially in the early races. I would say fuel management would be the number one topic. That’s something we haven’t (had to) focused on so much in the past, as we could really push through the race. Now I think it’s going to be more like endurance racing. You have to last until the end with a certain amount of fuel. This is quite a challenge, and for us drivers there are quite a few things to learn and to prepare.
Естебан Гутиерес:
Formula One season is approaching. Is the adrenaline pumping yet?
Yes, definitely. The adrenaline is pumping a lot. I’m really excited about the start of the next season. It’s going to be an adventure with the new car and the new regulations. I think this will make things very interesting. It takes everything to another exciting level for the whole team. It’s going to be a lot of work and stress to find out how to work things out, but at the end of the day this is what we love. It’s a challenge and we are here to live it.
How did the winter preparations go, did you spend a lot of time in the factory?
Yes, it was quite a late call with the team confirming me as a racing driver. Even through it was quite late, I spent some time in the factory in December before the announcement was made. I came in the beginning of January as well to do the seat fitting and to spend some time with the engineers. And now I’m back (in the factory) and this is something that brings me closer to what is happening inside the team, and keeps me in touch with the progress with the new car. This is also in order for me to understand step by step what’s happening with the new rules, because there are so many things. Even when I ask the engineers about things which are complex they need time to explain and I need to gain experience with everything during pre season testing.
What are your expectations for the 2014 season?
I want to become a leader for the team. This is my second year now as a racing driver in Formula One and a lot of new things are coming up. I think that my involvement with the team is very important, so that we can meet our targets as a team. As a driver I want to take the next step. My approach is now different to last year and I’m really in full fighting mode with a lot of power. I prepared during the off-season and also analysed and evaluated everything that happened in my rookie season, so I can take that and turn it into a powerful asset this season.”
You have your own number now that will stick to you for the rest of your Formula One career, why did you choose the number 21?
The number 21 has always been my favourite number. I always chose it as a lucky number. It’s also the number of my age when I started Formula One, so it’s quite a special number for me. It was my first priority. We had to choose at least three, I chose 21 first of all and this is the one I got. I’m very pleased to have it and it’s a number that I am very happy to have for my whole F1 career.
Tests involve a lot of hard work, especially this year with significant regulation changes. How do you prepare yourself?
It’s important. Physically I had time to prepare a lot during the off season. Now that we are approaching the first test I have been in the factory a few days in December, a few days at the beginning of January and now again since mid January. Again, to get into the detail about what’s happening and discussing the progress with the engineers. At the same time, I had time to free my mind from the previous season, which was quite a long and very exiting one. Also to refresh myself and arrive at my second season as a formula one driver with an approach that meets the expectations we have in order to achieve our goals.
You are entering your fourth year with the Sauber F1 Team, the second as a driver, but the cars are different every season. How long does it actually take to adjust to a new car?
To adjust to the new car this year will be special, because there is quite a dramatic change in the regulations, which will mean different strategies. And from a driver’s point of view a difference in how to drive the car. This will take a lot of time and analysis to then properly apply things the way they should be. I think testing is going to be very important for this. Because, obviously, we want to arrive at the first race fully prepared and 100 percent adapted to our package, and then develop that further in the season. This is the evolution you need to have in a season in Formula One.
How well do you know your new team-mate?
I have known Adrian since I was racing in 2008 in Formula BMW. We have a friend in common, so I’ve often met him somewhere. Sometimes it happened by coincidence that we were having dinner with our friend. So, I’ve known him for some time now. But obviously now that we are going to work together in the same team it is going to be different, because I will get to know him better and also his way of working. And he is going to know my way of working and I think we can complement each other.
What will be the greatest sporting challenge of the upcoming season?
I think the greatest sporting challenge that I have this season is to adapt quickly to the new regulation changes and to the new car, which will mean a lot of new things on the strategy. As a driver you have to get involved in the strategy in a very specific way. In my rookie season I sometimes found myself a little bit confused at the beginning, but throughout the season I got into the rhythm and understood things. Now it’s my second season and I think I can be more efficient and more involved.
Мониша Калтенборн:
Monisha Kaltenborn, next Tuesday the first test begins in Jerez (ES). What are your feelings going into the roll-out?
We’ll be having our roll-out in Jerez. That is always a very special moment, because first of all we’ll see if everything really fits together and if the car is running well. It also tells us if we have been working in the right direction for the last nine months. All this makes it a very emotional moment.
With the regulation changes in 2014 and the short turnaround time over the winter, what are your aims for the forthcoming season?
Due to the big changes on the chassis side, but particularly on the drive train side, it is impossible to give any indication about our competitiveness. We can do that at the earliest after the winter tests, particularly when we have seen where we stand compared to our competitors. As always, it’s going to be our target to improve our position in the championship.
What do you expect from your drivers?
This year we have a very exciting driver line-up. On the one hand we have Adrian (Sutil), a very experienced racing driver, and I’m happy that we finally had the opportunity to work together. On the other hand we have Esteban (Gutiérrez), a young talented driver who we have known for many years, and has also been a member of the team. This is very valuable considering the big changes that are coming this season. I hope the drivers can get to know the car very quickly and that we have all our reliability issues sorted out, so that together with the drivers we can work on the performance and develop the car further.
Ерик Ганделин:
Eric Gandelin, there are a lot of regulation changes in 2014. Can you explain what has changed and how that affects the design of the Sauber C33-Ferrari, starting with the chassis and the aspect of safety?
Yes, the regulation changes in 2014 are the biggest ever seen in Formula One. They impact on all aspects of the car’s design. The most noticeable change on the chassis and safety side concerns the nose structure where a maximum height for the tip of the nose is now set by the rules. This is to reduce the likelihood of cars launching in the air in case of a front to rear impact. This also reduces the risk of a driver sustaining head injuries, which could happen with the previous higher nose design. These changes are combined with a new side impact structure as well, for which the design is now regulated. This means the dimension of the tube and the laminate is now set and the same for all teams. And these tubes are overall much bigger and result in bulkier side pods, especially compared to the very slim side pods, we had on the C32.
What are the most important regulation changes regarding the aerodynamics and how did these influence the design of the Sauber C33-Ferrari?
On the aerodynamic side we have a lot of changes as well. The width of the front wing has been reduced by 75 millimetres on either side. The rear wings’ lower wing has been removed, which led us to review the mounting concept for the wing, leading to the twin pylon mount you can see. The rear wing’s upper wing box has been reduced in height, which means we have less available space to arrange profiles. The maximum opening allowed on the DRS mechanism has been increased by 15 millimetres. Apertures in the central diffusor are now forbidden and the hole through which the car is started will now have to be closed by a flap. To finish, the exhaust exit has been relocated at the rear on the car’s centre line, with the intention of the rule makers being to prevent teams from using exhaust gases to generate downforce.
2014 will see a completely new powertrain. Can you explain the changes and how they influenced the design of the Sauber C33-Ferrari?
On the engine side the old 2.4 litre naturally aspirated V8 is being replaced by a 1.6 litre turbocharged V6 engine. This is coupled to a much more complex energy recovery system with bigger batteries and now two electric motors. Energy is being recovered from both, braking and heat. The power generated by the energy recovery system will increase from 60 kilowatts in the past few years to 120 kilowatts with the boost available for 33 seconds. The fuel consumption is being reduced significantly. We are now limited to 100 kilograms of fuel from green light to chequered flag. This has resulted in much smaller fuel cells, which impacts the chassis length. On the braking side we have an all-new brake-by-wire system at the rear. This means that the pressure applied to the calliper is electronically controlled, depending on the driver’s demand and the energy being recovered from the rear axle. This new power unit has presented us with big challenges in terms of packaging as well. The size of the radiators has increased significantly and we have a lot more electronic boxes to package within the bodywork as well. In addition, the minimum legal car weight has been increased from 642 kg to 690 kg, which only partially compensates for the addition of all the new systems. So, weight saving has been one of our priorities in the car’s design. Overall, this has presented our team with a huge challenge and we are now looking forward to comparing ourselves to our competition and see where we stand.
Chassis: carbon-fibre monocoque
Front suspension: upper and lower wishbones, inboard springs and dampers activated by pushrods (Sachs Race Engineering)
Rear suspension: upper and lower wishbones, inboard springs and dampers actuated by pullrods (Sachs Race Engineering)
Brakes: six-piston brake callipers (Brembo), carbon-fibre pads and discs (Brembo)
Transmission: Ferrari 8-speed quick-shift carbon gearbox, longitudinally mounted, carbon-fibre clutch
Chassis electronics: MES
KERS: Ferrari
Steering wheel: Sauber F1 Team
Tyres: Pirelli
Wheels: OZ
Dimensions:length 5.300 mm
width 1.800 mm
height 950 mm
track width, front: 1.460 mm
track width, rear: 1.416 mm
Weight: 691 kg (incl. driver, tank empty)
Configuration: V6 90 degree
Displacement: 1600 cc
Bore: 80 mm
Stroke: 53 mm
Valves: 4 per cylinder
Maximum revs: 15,000 rpm
Turbo charging: single turbo
Maximum fuel flow: 100 kg/h
Maximum fuel capacity: 100 kg
Injection: 500 bar - direct
Units per driver: 5
ERS System Battery Energy (per lap): 4 Mj
MGU-K power: 120 kW
MGU-K maximum revs: 50,000 rpm
MGU-H maximum revs: 12,000 rpm
Още от сезон 2014:
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