Ерик Булие ще заеме поста състезателен директор в МакЛарън

29/01/2014 12:22, Огнян Тенчев (drJeckyll), 1194/2256 прочита, няма коментари


Ерик Булие, който напусна поста си в Лотус ще стане състезателен директор в МакЛарън.

Той ще започне работа на 3 февруари и ще бъде подчинен на все още неназован нов изпълнителен директор в МакЛарън, който пък от своя страна ще бъде подчинен на Рон Денис.

Ерик Булие:
First of all, I regard this appointment as an honour, a privilege and a wonderful opportunity. The McLaren Racing workforce and the facilities at the McLaren Technology Centre are world-class, and I’m hugely excited about the prospect of joining such an outstanding team. I’m both eager and determined to play an active part, working alongside McLaren Racing’s other senior managers and directors, within a new operational structure, to bring about the changes that will deliver success. Last, I want to take this opportunity to assure the McLaren Racing workforce that I’m utterly determined to match their famous passion and commitment to win.

Рон Денис:
Eric’s appointment is an integral part of a senior management restructure within McLaren Racing. I’ve already personally conveyed to the entire workforce of the McLaren Group, which includes McLaren Racing, the values, principles and mindset that I intend us all to adopt, going forward. My intention is that from now on everyone at McLaren Racing will understand their responsibilities and accountabilities, focusing on their specific areas of expertise, in keeping with those values, principles and mindset. In due course we’ll announce the identity of McLaren Racing’s new Chief Executive Officer, who’ll report to me, and to whom Eric will report. I’m firmly of the belief that, once McLaren Racing’s restructured senior management team has been assembled, together we’ll begin the march back to full competitiveness, quickly and professionally, harnessing the fantastic depth of talent that exists within our organisation.

В новата структура на управление на МакЛарън никъде обаче не се споменава името на Мартин Уитмарш, но вече се появи информация, че екипа на Лотус пък вече е водил разговори с него.

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