Стефано Доменикали е подал оставка, като шеф на Ферари и тя е била приета.
Стефано Доменикали:
There are special moments that come along in everyone’s professional life, when one needs courage to take difficult and very agonising decisions. It is time for a significant change. As the boss, I take responsibility, as I have always done, for our current situation. This decision has been taken with the aim of doing something to shake things up and for the good of this group of people that I feel very close to. With all my heart, I thank all the men and women in the team, the drivers and the partners for the wonderful relationship we have enjoyed over all these years. I hope that very soon, Ferrari will be back where it deserves to be. My final words of thanks go to our President, for having always supported me and to all our fans. I only regret that we have been unable to harvest what we worked so hard to sow in recent years.
Негов заместник ще бъде шефът на Ферари за Южна Америка Марко Матиачи, който няма никакъв състезателен опит. До момента той е ръководел продажбите на Ферари в Южна Америка, Средния Изток, Русия, Финландия и Азия.
Лука ди Монтедземоло:
I thank Stefano Domenicali, not only for his constant dedication and effort, but also for the great sense of responsibility he has shown, even today, in always putting the interests of Ferrari above all else. I hold Domenicali in esteem and I have watched him grow professionally over the twenty three years we have worked together, I now wish him every success for the future. I also want to wish all the best to Marco Mattiacci, whom I know to be a highly regarded manager and who knows the company well. He has accepted this challenge with enthusiasm.
Оставката на Доменикали едва ли е голяма изненада, като се има предвид неубедителното представяне на отбора до момента този сезон.
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