Пирели ще тестват 18 цолови гуми

04/07/2014 20:31, Огнян Тенчев (drJeckyll), 1097/2164 прочита, няма коментари


Пирели ще тестват 18 цолови гуми на предстоящия тест след състезанието във Великобритания.

Идеята за 18 цоловите гуми беше подхвърлена от Пирели още когато се завърнаха във Формула 1 и станаха единствен доставчик на гуми през 2010 година.

Сега Пирели искат да покажат как ще изглеждат 18 цоловите гуми и да убедят отборите, че промяната е за добро. Те ще бъдат пробвани на болида на Лотус E22.

Пол Хембри:
The 13-inch tyre is no longer relevant to the everyday road user, because even an 18-inch tyre is used by standard vehicles these days. While 18-inch tyres would be a big step for Formula One, there are many other motorsport series that already use this size. So there’s scope to go even bigger than that in Formula One in years to come. In order to underline F1’s role as a test bed for future mobility solutions, we believe that it benefits everybody to have as close a link between road car tyres and competition tyres as possible: a belief we have held ever since we introduced the low profile tyre from competition to road use back in the 1970s. However, we’d like to emphasise that this move is not something that we are actively pushing for, as our role in Formula One is not to instigate changes. Instead, it’s to help teams and drivers make the most out of the equipment, regulations and resources they have at their disposal – whatever they decide that framework is going to be.

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