Ромен Грожан остава пилот на Лотус и догодина

19/11/2014 14:01, Огнян Тенчев (drJeckyll), 1305/2592 прочита, няма коментари


Ромен Грожан остава в екипа на Лотус и догодина. Новината беше обявена от екипа на Лотус в twitter, а малко по-късно самият Грожан също в twitter обяви оставането си в отбора.

Преди няколко дни Грожан отново обяви, че ще кара за Лотус в twitter, но малко по-късно изтри съобщението си. Днес съобщението на Грожан е същото, като това преди няколко дни.

Ромен Грожан:
It’s fantastic for me to be continuing with Lotus F1 Team for 2015 and it’s superb to have the support of everyone at Enstone. It’s no secret that we’ve had a really tough season this year, but the team has remained focused and we’re all determined to return to regular points-scoring in 2015. I have been spending a lot of time recently at Enstone and I’m feeling very positive about the potential of the E23, which should represent a return to form for the team. We have one race left in 2014 so I’ll be pushing to do the best job possible in Abu Dhabi before my focus switches fully to 2015.

Жерар Лопес:
It is with great pleasure that we can formally confirm that Romain Grosjean will continue with Lotus F1 Team alongside Pastor Maldonado next season. You really learn something about a driver when they have the chips against them and Romain has delivered impeccably in 2014 despite the very big challenges he has faced. We know that Romain will always get the most out of the car at his disposal, which is why we can’t wait to harness his potential with Mercedes-Benz power in 2015.

Пастор Малдонадо остава също в екипа на Лотус и така за 2015 пилотския състав на отбора ще бъде без промяна.

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