Серхио Перес остава във Форс Индия през 2015

22/11/2014 17:06, Огнян Тенчев (drJeckyll), 932/2097 прочита, няма коментари


Форс Индия потвърдиха официално, че Серхио Перес ще остане пилот на отбора през следващите няколко години. Преди няколко седмици Виджай Маля го заяви в интервю, но нямаше официално изявление от отбора. Сега това е факт.

Серхио Перес:
It’s good to announce my plans. As soon as I joined Sahara Force India, I noticed the hunger and determination of everyone in the team, and I’m very proud to be part of that. I feel at home here and I’m fully committed. I’m enjoying my racing and we’ve already celebrated some special results together. It’s important for me to establish myself in a team and have some continuity. The team have given me a competitive car this year and I believe we can continue to achieve great things together in the future.

Виджай Маля:
I am delighted that Checo will continue with us. He’s a true racer who has done a fantastic job for us this season. The whole team has been impressed with his speed and racecraft, as well as his role away from the track. He has a very bright future in Formula One and we will do our utmost to give him the equipment to match his talent. I look forward to celebrating more strong results with Checo this year and in years to come, and I cannot wait for Checo’s first home Grand Prix in Mexico in front of his huge following of passionate fans.

Още от сезон 2014:


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