Пирели остават доставчик на гуми и през 2014

27/09/2013 19:09, Огнян Тенчев (drJeckyll), 627/897 прочита, няма коментари


FIA потвърди, че Пирели ще продължат да бъдат доставчик на гуми и догодина.

От FIA обаче ще променят правилата за избор на единствен доставчик на гуми, но докато това се случи Пирели ще останат доставчик.

One of the noteworthy aspects of the new 2013 Concorde Agreement is the new tender procedure for appointing single suppliers in the tyre and fuel categories, for the FIA F1 World Championship.

In this new process, the FIA will be confirmed as the body in charge of conducting the tender process. The Commercial Rights Holder will be entitled to run the commercial negotiations with potential suppliers, with a view to the selected single supplier being officially appointed by the WMSC.

In order to cover the transition period and considering the contracts already settled by FOM and the Teams with Pirelli, the WMSC today confirmed that Pirelli may continue to supply tyres to competitors in the FIA F1 World Championship, subject to the requisite technical and safety standards of the FIA being met.

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