Нико Хюлкенберг се завръща във Форс Индия

03/12/2013 17:20, Огнян Тенчев (drJeckyll), 1136/2415 прочита, 2 коментара


Нико Хюлкенберг ще се завърне в екипа на Форс Индия след като прекара само една година при Заубер.

Нико Хюлкенберг:
I am happy to come back to Sahara Force India. The team is aiming high for next year and I believe that the experience I have gained over the years will help us achieve those goals. I genuinely believe we can have a competitive package in 2014. I’ve heard a lot of positive things about the Mercedes engine as well, so I think there is a lot to be excited about for next year. I know this team and I can see their determination; it’s a great bunch of people and we all share the same hunger for success.

Виджай Маля:
I’m delighted to see Nico back with Sahara Force India. When he drove for us in 2012, it became clear Nico was an exceptional talent and he has continued to impress everyone in the paddock with his strong performances this season. Having Nico in our line-up is a real statement of intent and a huge boost for everyone associated with the team. We have high hopes and expectations for 2014 and by signing Nico we have put ourselves in the best position to achieve those objectives and enjoy what could be our most competitive season yet.

Както винаги говори се за договор за няколко години, но не се споменава нищо за другият пилот на отбора.

Още от сезон 2013:


Спор | Отговор
Вероятно Сутил си тръгва,а Перес се връща в Заубер.
Рейтинг: [0|0|0.00] 0 / 0

Публикуван на: 04/12/2013 21:59

Спор | Отговор
Може и да е Ди Реста ,той нали също трябваше да подновява договора си ?!?
Рейтинг: [0|0|0.00] 0 / 0

Публикуван на: 09/12/2013 10:37


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