Заубер обявиха Адриан Сутил като техен пилот за 2014

13/12/2013 16:45, Огнян Тенчев (drJeckyll), 1070/2225 прочита, 2 коментара


Адриан Сутил ще бъде пилот на Заубер през 2014 година.

Адриан Сутил:
I am very happy that we found common ground. Although I have known for a while where I wanted to go, in the end the negotiations took a bit longer than planned. However, now I will have all the more reason to celebrate during the Christmas season. I’ve been in contact with Monisha for a while and she always gave me the feeling my qualities are valued. After six good years driving for Force India, with a lot of highlights, it’s now time to embark on a new challenge. I am determined to do my part in order to have a successful future together with the Sauber F1 Team. The long and successful tradition in motorsport, combined with an impressive factory and one of the best wind tunnels in F1, have been fascinating me for a long time. Thank you to Peter Sauber and Monisha Kaltenborn for your trust in me.

Мониша Калтенборн:
We are pleased, that we were able to sign Adrian, particularly as we have been wanting to work together with him for a while. Adrian had already visited the factory at the end of September to have a look at the infrastructure. Adrian is not only very fast, but also brings a lot of experience, which is very important looking at the new regulations for next year. We welcome Adrian to the Sauber F1 Team and look forward to a successful collaboration.

(авторски права на снимките - Заубер)

Още от сезон 2013:


Спор | Отговор
Заубер ми е много странен отбор в момента! Искаха да задържат Хулкенберг. Искаха да задържат и Гутиерес. Искаха и малолетния руснак, а в крайна сметка подписват със Сутил! Радвам се за Сутил защото го харесвам но не мога да разбера какво се случва в тоя отбор...
Рейтинг: [1|3|0.08] 1 / 3

Публикуван на: 14/12/2013 09:39

Спор | Отговор
Вика му се оцеляване баце!!!Ф1 стигна до там че да оцелява,а не да ни радва!
Рейтинг: [0|4|0.00] 0 / 4

Публикуван на: 14/12/2013 16:02


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