Уилямс FW45 (представяне)

06/02/2023 13:53, Огнян Тенчев (drJeckyll), 700/1979 прочита, няма коментари


Уилямс ще представят оцветяването на FW45 - болидът за сезон 2023.

Очаква се Уилямс да обявят новия си спонсор - Gulf.

Представянето може да се гледа на живо на сайта на Уилямс: https://www.williamsf1.com/


(авторски права на снимките - Уилямс)

(авторски права на снимките - twitter)

Алекс Албон:
I'm really excited to be starting back for another year with the team. The car looks great and will hit the track at Silverstone. The team has worked really hard last year and over the winter to address some key areas in our car, putting in the work to try and maximise what we get out of the car for 2023, so I'm looking forward to seeing what the FW45 can do. We also welcome new partners to the team this year, so it's great to have them onboard.

Логан Сарджънт:
I'm really excited for the season to get started after what, for me, feels like a long winter! I'm super motivated and we've put a lot of hard work in. The car is looking amazing and it shows the huge effort the team has put in the off season, so I'm looking forward to getting started at Silverstone before heading out to Bahrain.

Matthew Savage:
As Williams Racing continues its transformation, we're proud to unveil this year's livery. We are excited about this year's car, and I cannot thank the entire team at Grove enough for their hard work to get ready for the season. I am delighted to welcome both new and existing partners to our journey. With our new Team Principal James Vowles joining us later this month, as well as our exciting driver line up of Alex and Logan, Williams Racing will be giving its all in 2023.

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