Тото Волф напуска Уилямс и се присъединява към Мерцедес

21/01/2013 12:35, Огнян Тенчев (drJeckyll), 904/1516 прочита, 1 коментар


Тото Волф, който до момента беше изпълнителен директор на Уилямс ще напусне отбора и ще се присъедини към екипа на Мерцедес. Волф обаче ще запази акциите си в Уилямс.

Франк Уилямс:
I would like to thank Toto for his hard work, dedication and commitment to the team during his time as a Director of the Company. He was a key support to me as Executive Director last season, deputising at a number of races when I was unable to attend. However, positions such as the one offered to him by Mercedes do not come around often. Toto has a long history with them and I certainly was not going to stand in the way of him accepting this once in a lifetime opportunity. Toto will retain his shareholding in Williams and will always have a place at Grove but make no mistake; we will fight him hard on the racetrack! I am sure he will be a strong asset for Mercedes and on behalf of the whole team I would like to wish him the best of luck in his new role. I’m lucky to have a very professional group of people around me and the Company’s Executive Committee will continue the work they have been doing to ensure a successful future for the business.

Тото Волф ще заеме позицията на изпълнителен директор на отбора на Мерцедес. Той също така ще придобие и акции в отбора, като по непотвърдени данни те ще са 30%. Ники Лауда също ще придобие акции в отбора на Мерцедес, като за неговият дял се говори, че ще е 10%.

Dieter Zetsche:
As an entrepreneur, investor and motorsport manager, Toto Wolff has proven that this sport runs in his blood; at the same time, he is also well aware of the economic necessities of the business. With Toto Wolff, we have gained for our Formula 1 team not only an experienced motorsport specialist, but also a longstanding enthusiast of the Mercedes-Benz brand. Together with him and Niki Lauda, we will further develop our motorsport activities and guide our Silver Arrows into the next era

Тото Волф:
Mercedes is one of the most important participants in motorsport worldwide. I am not only a big fan, but also a longstanding friend and enthusiast of the brand. I am looking forward to the challenge and, along with preparing for a successful racing season, also want to focus on the targeted promotion of new talent.
I am leaving Williams on good terms and I will miss the team and friends I have made there. I'd also like to wish Frank and the whole of Williams the best of luck for the future”, Wolff added.

Още от сезон 2013:


Спор | Отговор
Мерцедес явно наистина хвърлят огромни усилия за да успеят, но ако отново се провалят и не са шампиони през 2014, както очаква бордът на директорите на компанията, можем да имаме доста изненадващо решение относно бъдещето на отбора във Формула 1.
Рейтинг: [0|0|0.00] 0 / 0

Публикуван на: 22/01/2013 23:25


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