Пади Лоу ще се присъедини към екипа на Мерцедес

20/05/2013 13:11, Огнян Тенчев (drJeckyll), 746/1204 прочита, няма коментари


Пади Лоу ще се присъедини към екипа на Мерцедес на 3 юни. Той ще изпълнява длъжността технически изпълнителен директор и ще работи в тясно сътрудничество с Рос Браун и Тото Волф.

МакЛарън и Мерцедес са постигнали съгласие това да се случи на този ранен етап от сезона.

Рос Браун остава в Мерцедес и като шеф на отбора ще отговаря за техническата и спортната част.

Пади Лоу:
I am excited to become part of a highly talented and capable technical organisation. The team has already produced probably the fastest car of the 2013 season while the technical challenges of the new regulations for 2014 will give us the opportunity to maximise the synergies available to a works manufacturer. That is a challenge I am relishing. I have worked closely with Mercedes-Benz for almost 20 years and deeply admire the company’s phenomenal commitment to Formula One. I look forward to much success together in the years ahead.

Рос Браун:
I am delighted to welcome Paddy to the team and to begin working together. He has an excellent record of success in the sport and would be an asset to any of our rivals in the pit lane. It is no secret that every team is facing a significant balancing act between this year and next. But it is perhaps less obvious that we will also see major changes for the 2015 and 2016 seasons, as development progresses with the new generation of car design and Power Unit. To deliver in these circumstances, a successful team needs strength in depth. Paddy’s arrival will further strengthen our organisation and puts us in a strong position for the future.

Още от сезон 2013:


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