Пат Саймъндс ще се присъедини към екипа на Уилямс

16/07/2013 11:32, Огнян Тенчев (drJeckyll), 906/1659 прочита, няма коментари


Само броени минути след като стана известно, че Пат Саймъндс напуска Маруся вече е известно, че той ще се присъедини към екипа на Уилямс, като Chief Technical Officer (което е нещо, като технически директор).

Той ще започне работа на 19 август тази година.

Пат Саймъндс:
Williams is a team steeped in success and engineering excellence and I’m honoured to be asked to play a role in returning the team to its rightful place at the pinnacle of Formula One. Sir Frank, Mike and Claire have put in place the foundations for success and I’m immensely excited to begin this new challenge.

Франк Уилямс:
I’m delighted that Pat is joining the team. His technical capabilities and sporting successes speak for themselves and I’m sure that his knowledge and leadership will contribute considerably to the success that all of us at Williams are working hard to achieve.

Майк О'Дрискол:
Williams’ sporting and engineering heritage dictates that we secure the finest talent available. Pat brings unrivalled technical and managerial skills in addition to a proven ability to deliver on track results. Our commitment to return Williams to winning ways is absolute and this appointment is yet more evidence of our collective desire to return the team to the position it deserves.

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