Днес по време на състезанието за Голямата Награда на Бахрейн два инцидента останаха за разследване след състезанието.
И в двата частник беше Нико Розберг. В първия той беше атакуван от Люис Хамилтън, който успя да го изпревари минавайки изцяло извън пистата след като нямаше място на нея.
Ето решението на комисарите:
1. The driver of Car 8 commenced his move to the right after the exit from T3 and moved to the right in a constant and continuous straight line manner, not making any sudden movements (as evidenced by telemetry and video evidence) and;
2. At the time he commenced his move, Car 4 was behind him and no part of his car was alongside Car 8 and;
3. The driver of Car 8 made the move to the right prior to the driver of Car 4 making the same move and;
4. For more than half of the distance travelled by Car 8 in moving in a straight line towards the right hand edge of the track, Car 4 remained behind Car 8 and
5. Because the delta speed between the two cars was quite significant it was difficult for Car 8 to detect the exact position of Car 4 in relation to his own car;
6. Had a significant portion of Car 4 been alongside that of Car 8 whilst Car 4 still remained within the confines of the track, then the actions of Car 8 may not have been considered legitimate.
Другият инцидент беше подобен, но Фернандо Алонсо беше активно блокиран от Розберг. Алонсо също напусна пистата.
Ето решението на комисарите:
1. The driver of Car 8 commenced his move to the right after the exit from T3 and moved to the right in a constant and continuous straight line manner, not making any sudden movements (as evidenced by telemetry and video evidence) and;
2. At the time he commenced his move, Car 5 was behind him and no part of his car was alongside Car 8 and;
3. The driver of Car 8 made the move to the right prior to the driver of Car 5 making the same move and;
4. For more than half of the distance travelled by Car 8 in moving in a straight line towards the right hand edge of the track, Car 5 remained behind Car 8 and;
5. Because the delta speed between the two cars was quite significant it was difficult for Car 8 to detect the exact position of Car 5 in relation to his own car;
6. No part of Car 5 was alongside that of Car 8.
Решенията са почти идентични с изключение на последната шеста точка.
Хамилтън и Розберг за момента не са коментирали инцидентите.
След финала Алонсо коментира:
I can only say that if, instead of such a wide run-off area there had been a wall, I'm not sure I'd be here now to talk about it
По-късно той коментира и решенията на комисарите в twitter така:
I think you are going to have fun in future races! You can defend position as you want and you can overtake outside the track! Enjoy! ;)))
Още от сезон 2012:
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