Монтедземоло отново критикува правилата във Формула 1

02/12/2012 18:00, Огнян Тенчев (drJeckyll), 1128/1827 прочита, 1 коментар


Президентът на Ферари Лука ди Монтедземоло отново критикува правилата във Формула 1.

It is not acceptable that Formula One no longer transfers technology to our road cars. The aerodynamics is now becoming something which has nothing to do with the research. This cannot be a sport in which there is no longer testing on the track. We have run out of patience. We are car manufacturers, not sponsors. As Ecclestone said, 'it's a joke...'

Според него времето за промени е дошло.
There are a number of things that are not right in Formula One and the moment has come to finally sort them out in the appropriate places.

Относно писмото на Ферари до FIA за жълтите знамена:
Someone said that it was scandalous that we asked the FIA for clarification over the yellow flags and that we went a bit too far. Ferrari's actions were perfectly transparent - repeated Montezemolo - as we saw the video of what happened after the race, a video that was shown on websites all over the world. We received thousands of requests from our fans and decided that a request for clarification was the most simple, correct and logical action to take. The FIA declared that for them there had been no infringement and so the matter was closed. Congratulations to Vettel and Red Bull because whoever won after such a difficult season deserved the title and because at Ferrari that is what we do. And we would like everyone to congratulate us next season if we win the world championship. We were nevertheless one of the main protagonists this season. We challenged for the title right till the end and next year will be very important for us. The most important thing is to be there at the top. We will have to work very hard to give our two drivers a winning car

Относно репликата на Екълстоун, че писмото на Ферари е joke думите на Монтеземоло са малко по-остри:
Ecclestone? You have to show respect for your elders, especially when they get to that stage in which they are no longer in control of what they say. However, old age is clearly incompatible with certain roles and responsibilities.


В официалното изявление на Монтедземоло публикувано на сайта на Ферари могат да бъдат намерени и друг интересни цитати. Например за Михаел Шумахер:
I was expecting a slighty different final race on the part of Michael Schumacher because he is a driver with links to Ferrari through some extraordinary moments and with whom we feel very close.

За другите пилоти и политиката на Ферари относно пилотите и заповедите от бокса:
As for the rest, I don’t want to make any comment other than to underline that in the past we have been strongly criticised for playing a sensible, necessary, right and open team game. I have always told my drivers that they are not racing for themselves but for Ferrari. Ours is one team, you can see that in the pit stops and you can see it on the track and one of the things I most appreciate about Felipe is the fact that he has always been a team player and I know that Fernando has been one too. We have had criticism for how we apply these team games but it’s up to the public and the spectators to judge these things. I don’t like to create controversy for its own sake: we look ahead and everyone makes their own judgement. The behaviour of Ferrari has always prized the team game and the sport.

Още от сезон 2012:


Лука, от време на време се събужда. Истината боли - РБ имат правилния човек. Колкото до липсата на връзка м/у Ф1 и серийните коли - ако Ферари бяха спечелили 3 поредни титли, това нямаше да го вълнува много.
Рейтинг: [2|4|0.18] 2 / 4

Публикуван на: 02/12/2012 21:31


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