В изявлението си след финала на състезанието Рос Браун критикува правилата за колата на сигурността:
With Michael, we were looking to benefit strongly from the safety car. As the leaders had not been picked up, Michael was waved through and that gave us a golden opportunity to make his pit stop as our predictions were that the option tyre would hold up for the remainder of the race. However, when Michael came to exit the pits, the red light was showing which cost him a significant amount of time. In our view, the regulations are clear that the exit light should not go red until the line of cars has formed behind the safety car, and we would like the FIA to look into this. There was no line formed and over 18 seconds between Hamilton and Kobayashi when Michael came in.
Шумахер влезе в бокса от трета позиция, като се намираше на около шест секунди пред Кобаяши, след който обаче имаше дълга редица от болиди, които той задържаше зад себе си.
Михаел Шумахер:
What a race. We would like to have clarification about the safety car situation as the red light on the exit from my first pit stop destroyed a race which otherwise would have offered us very good possibilities. Our point of view is that as the safety car had passed the pits without having the cars lined up behind it, there should not have been a red light. There was a green light for a moment and then suddenly it went red again. We believe that this was not correct. Our strategy was right in that context as we took the opportunity which could have given us a finish even close to the podium.
Правилата гласят, че болидите могат да влизат в бокса по време на колата на сигурността, но могат да се върнат на пистата само ако на изхода на бокса има зелен светофар. Той трябва да свети през цялото време с изключение на случая, когато колата на сигурността и следващите я болиди преминават пред изхода на бокса (тогава е червен) (точка 40.10 от спортните правила).
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