Ферари си публикували на сайта си в рубриката дневника на Алонсо мислите на пилота им след като се е успокоил.
Въпреки, че заглавието на новината е "Гняв трансформиран в желание за борба", то този път думите на Алонсо звучат в познатия ни спокоен стил.
Obviously, in the clear light of day, I am much calmer than I was in the moments immediately following the race. At the time, I reacted emotionally and in that situation, it is all too easy to adopt a tone and say things that can be interpreted wrongly, giving rise to suspicions, something which I had no intention of doing.
Думите относно Хамилтън вече звучат доста по-философски и общо:
Sure, I understand that the stewards have a difficult job to do and they have to take decisions that are not easy. What I meant was that those drivers who, like us, respected the regulations, unfortunately, in this situation, suffered much more than those who broke them, even though they were given a penalty. And I am not referring to any of the drivers in particular: it’s a general matter and I think we should talk about it together in a calm way, to ensure that things like this do not happen again.
Доста интересно е и следващото изречение:
I was pleased to hear that the FIA has reacted promptly, calling an extraordinary meeting of the Sporting Working Group and I am confident, certain even, that all the points up for discussion will be cleared up in a comprehensive fashion.
Това означава, че FIA ще разгледа случилото се и да се надяваме правилата ще бъдат променени - към по-добро.
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