Днес на фестивала в Гуудвууд видяхме Ейдриън Нюи да кара болида на Ред Бул RB5. Сега обаче става ясно, че отбора всъщност му е подарил болида в знак на признателност за приноса му.
Ейдриън Нюи:
I'm overcome actually. The guys have obviously put a tremendous amount of effort into preparing the car for me. You can see it - the paint and the lines are absolutely perfect, the work that's gone into doing the helmet and everything else is incredible. Also, the fact that the guys have given up a weekend to come down here and run it for me is fantastic.
I was nervous before my first run, as I'd never driven a car with a hand clutch before and had never left-foot braked expect in a go-kart - but it's really fantastic to drive. A slight fright was that I wasn't prepared for how long first gear is, so as I was pulling out of the paddock it was pushing me on a lot.
I was saying to myself 'hand clutch, hand clutch', but the automatic reaction is to go for the left foot! We went up the hill on wet tyres, so it was a gentle drive. It's just so great to be in the car and it's such a great noise from the inside. The plan now is to club together with some other guys I know who are lucky enough to have cars and hire a circuit, preferably a modern one with a bit of run off where I can enjoy driving the car without worrying about having a spin in front of a crowd!
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