Новите цветове на Мерцедес (снимки)

25/01/2010 19:33, Огнян Тенчев (drJeckyll), 1040/1759 прочита, 2 коментара


Днес се състоя представянето на Мерцедес GP. За съжаление германците не показаха новият си болид, а само новото му оцветяване.

Болида на Мерцедес ще носи името MGP W01 и разбира се ще бъде оцветен в сребристо или поне нещо такова. Носа е черен, а петролното зелено на Петронас е по-скоро загатнато, а не натрапено както беше в първите концептуални картинки които разпространиха от отбора при подписването на договора.

Както и бе обявено от Рос Браун при подписването на договора с Петронас истинският болид ще видим на 1 февруари, когато започват и първите тестове за сезона.

Каската на Шумахер остава червена както в тестовете които проведе с болид от GP2 (линк, линк, линк), а тази на Росберг също е без промяна поне в основните си цветове.

Ето и какво са казали главните "виновници" за събитието:

Рос Браун

It is a privilege to be here at the Mercedes-Benz Museum in Stuttgart today for the official presentation of the MERCEDES GP PETRONAS Formula One Team. With your first look around the Museum, you realise the fantastic racing heritage of Mercedes-Benz and we hope to be able to contribute to those successes going forward. Our team have been working extremely hard throughout last year and over the winter on the development of the MGP W01 and everyone at the team is looking forward to the start of testing in Valencia next week. We have two excellent drivers in Nico and Michael, who will form one of the most exciting and one of the best partnerships on the grid, and with the support of Mercedes-Benz, Aabar and our new title partner PETRONAS plus all of our team partners, everyone is looking forward to the 2010 Formula One season with anticipation.

Норбърт Хауг

With today’s presentation of our new MERCEDES GP PETRONAS Formula One Team, a new and certainly the most important chapter of over 100 years of Mercedes-Benz motorsport history begins. The new Formula One season will offer challenges which will be bigger than ever before in over sixty years of the sport’s history. We look forward to the cooperation with our drivers Nico Rosberg who has enormous capabilities and perspectives, and with seven-time World Champion Michael Schumacher who is no less motivated than at the time when he began his professional motor racing career with Mercedes-Benz and then made his first step into such a successful Formula One career with our support. Today I also cordially welcome our new title partner PETRONAS as well as our co-investor Aabar/IPIC together with all our team partners. I warmly welcome all our colleagues from last year’s World Championship team Brawn GP headed by Ross Brawn and Nick Fry to the Mercedes family. There are challenging tasks ahead of us and we all will tackle them with power, consistency and full motivation.

Михаел Шумахер

Finally the 2010 Formula One season is firing up! I have to say that I am totally committed to this new challenge. This season feels like a re-start for me and I am so motivated. We have a very exciting combination at MERCEDES GP PETRONAS. We have a World Champion team in every sense of the word and I cannot wait to get into the car for the first time in Valencia. I am convinced that MERCEDES GP PETRONAS will be in a very good position to fight for the championships this season and I will definitely give it a go. Driving for Mercedes-Benz again is like the closing of a circle for me as I started my racing driver career with the three-pointed star on my helmet. This is another reason why I cannot wait for the competition to get underway.

Нико Росберг

You can really feel the successful motorsport history of Mercedes-Benz here at the Museum in Stuttgart and to be part of the new Silver Arrows team and that racing heritage makes me feel extremely proud and motivated. Since joining the team in November, I have spent a lot of time at the factory in Brackley, at Mercedes-Benz High Performance Engines in Brixworth and here in Stuttgart, which has given me the opportunity to settle in and get to know everyone. I have seen how hard the team is working on the new car and I really can’t wait for the opportunity to drive it for the first time in Valencia next week. I am looking forward to working with everyone at MERCEDES GP PETRONAS and will give it my all to reward their fantastic efforts with good on-track results this season.

Още от сезон 2010:


| Отговор
... и за да няма сърдити Рос Браун реши: двамата пилоти ще карат болида MGP W01 през първия ден от тестовете (01.02.2010)
Рейтинг: [0|0|0.00] 0 / 0

Публикуван на: 25/01/2010 19:34

| Отговор
drJeckyll написа:
... и за да няма сърдити Рос Браун реши: двамата пилоти ще карат болида MGP W01 през първия ден от тестовете (01.02.2010)

Явно ще се правят, че пилотите ще имат равен шанс
Рейтинг: [0|0|0.00] 0 / 0

Публикуван на: 25/01/2010 19:48


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